Rock Creek Pudelpointers

Since 1995

Minnesota's Home of the Pudelpointer

Producing 53 NAVHDA Breeder's Awards

Rock Creek Abda (Abbie)

NA Prize 1  UT Prize 1  IT 185  

Owner : Joel Kelly  

Rock Creek First Lady (Lady)

               NA Prize 3

 Test d'aptitudes naturelles - Pass


Concours St.Hubert de la Manche

Owner: Didier Lengronne

Normandy, France

VC Rock Creek Liberty

Versatile Champion

Owner: Jeff House

VC Rock Creek Unleashed

Versatile Champion

Owner: Ed Nuzum

VC Rock Creek Violet

Versatile Champion

Owner: Mark Olcott

Honor Roll

   We would like to thank everyone that has put forth the effort to test their Rock Creek Pudelpointers. You are the link to the past, present, and future success of the pudelpointer breed.

   With 500 Rock Creek dogs tested in NAVHDA events, acknowledgment for testing is just too overwhelming given the volume of successfully qualified Rock Creek dogs over the years.

   Below are highlights from previous testing years starting with 2017. Photos are added of dogs that have reached the highest level in NAVHDA events and a few dogs that we have certain family memories of.

   Soon, these pictures will fade and be replaced with new ones, but the owners and their dogs will never fade from our memory or our kennel history.

   Our dog owners are the best clients any kennel could ask for and we acknowledge your commitment and dedication to the breed.


Rock Creek Walk the Line (Otto)

NA Prize 1     UT Prize 1

Owner: Mark Ninnemann

Rock Creek Americano (Matylda)

Czech NA PZ 1, 220 Points

CACT Award

Owner: Jiri Blazek

Czech Republic

Rock Creek Copenhagen

NA Prize 1     UT Prize 2

Owner: Tracy Hackney

Rock Creek Waterbiscuit

NA Prize 1     UT Prize 2

Owner: Kim Piedt



VC Rock Creek No Nonsense

Versatile Champion

Owner: Ed Nuzum

Rock Creek Memphis

NA Prize 3    UT Prize 2

Owner: Steve Mosey

Rock Creek Stella's Sunrise

NA Prize 1   UT Prize 1  IT 189

Owner: Mike Krause

VC Rock Creek Edmund Fitzgerald

Versatile Champion

Owner: Rock Creek

Rock Creek Legs                                 Rock Creek Ladybug           Rock Creek Lochlan              

NA Prize 1 UT Prize 1                        NA Prize 1 UT Prize 1         NA Prize 1 UT Prize 1

              IT 180                                                                         IT 181

VC Rock Creek Delta Dawn

Versatile Champion

Owner: Rock Creek


Rock Creek Little Joe (Eli)

NA Prize 1  UT Prize 1  IT 188

Owner: Mike Ladwig



       Rock Creek Leif

       NA Prize 3 UT Prize 1 IT 166

       Owner: Rock Creek


Rock Creek Pudelpointers NAVHDA testing results from 2017 thru 2024

     293 Dogs Qualified Natural Ability

     150 of those dogs qualified with a Prize 1

     59 Dogs Qualified Utility

     27 of those dogs qualified for the Invitational with a Prize 1

     5 Dogs earned the title of Versatile Champion

     Rock Creek recieved:

     42 NA Breeder's Awards and 1 UT Breeders Award

  Please visit for all of Rock Creek Pudelpointers tested NA, UPT, UT and IT  prior to 2017.    



VC Rock Creek Navigator

Versatile Champion

Owner: Stephen Gateau